av labor

AV - Labor

free workshop series at ZiMMT

Open workshop for anyone who wants to learn new audiovisual techniques or develop their own projects. Previous knowledge is not necessary.

In addition to 3D audio techniques, one topic from the four main themes will be presented per session:

  • XR environments 
  • Video Mapping
  • Spatial Audio und Musikproduktion
  • generatives und interaktives Video

The workshop begins with an introduction to the respective topic. Suitable software, usually free of charge, is always presented as a tool. In the second half, the open lab takes place, in which audio and video are then tried out in combination. All rooms of the ZiMMT and the entire technical equipment are available for this – including a 300° projector, 3D audio system and motion tracking.

The AV Lab is the further development of the open sound lab Open Thursdays, which took place regularly in 2023. The new concept draws on the experience gained from the open sound lab and offers even more interdisciplinary opportunities.

For more advanced participants who have already taken part in Open Thursdays or the AV Lab, there is the opportunity to continue working independently on their projects and use the technical facilities on site by arrangement as part of the open lab.

Maximum of 12 participants.

Participation is free of charge by prior arrangement.


Each AV lab is supervised by two experts, including one FLINTA* person. The ZiMMT would particularly like to invite FLINTA* to join in.

Contact: av-labor@zimmt.net

the hosts

Katja Rempel – Web XR, unity, photgrammetrie, creative coding

Jana Lütkewitte – TouchDesigner

Chiara Stuto – Video Mapping

Helena Pauen – audio Produktion und Tontechnik

Paul Hauptmeier (ZiMMT e.V.) – 3D Audio, Tracking

Monica Bolles – 3D Audio

Martin Recker (ZiMMT e.V.) – 3D Audio

Jakob Gruhl (ZiMMT e.V.) – 3D Audio, Tracking

Dates & Topic

every 2nd Monday 5 to 9 pm / 2024

26.02. – XR environments
11.03. – Audio Fokus
25.03. – Video Mapping
08.04. – Video Mapping
22.04. – Audio Fokus
06.05. – XR environments
20.05. – generative and interactive Video
03.06. – XR environments
17.06. – Audio Fokus
01.07. – Video Mapping
15.07. – XR environments
09.09. – Audio Fokus
23.09. – generative and interactive Video
07.10. – Video Mapping
21.10. – generative and interactive Video
04.11. – XR environments
18.11. – generative and interactive Video

Participation is free of charge after prior


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    - Förderndes Mitglied (4,00 € Monat, 48,00 € Jahr/ ermäßigt* 3,00 € Monat, 36,00 € Jahr)
    - Aktives Mitglied (4,00 € Monat, 48,00 € jährlich/ ermäßigt* 3,00 € Monat, 36,00 € Jahr)
    Teilnahme Mitgliederversammlung, Stimm- und Rederecht
    Aktives Mitwirken
    - Juristische Person (vertraglich geregelt)
    Teilnahme Mitgliederversammlung, Stimm- und Rederecht
    *(Schüler*innen, Azubis, Student*innen, Rentner*innen, Arbeitslose, Bedürftige, Menschen mit Einschränkungen)



