AV - Labor 2025

free workshop series at ZiMMT

The AV-Labor is an open and free series of workshops for anyone who wants to learn about new audiovisual techniques or develop their own projects. No prior knowledge is required.

The individual workshops cover a variety of topics and areas of media art and music, including: Music production, 3D audio techniques, video mapping, lighting design, 3D modeling, creative coding, motion/position tracking, generative and interactive video design and much more.

Each workshop begins with an introduction to the respective topic. Suitable software, usually free of charge, is always presented as a tool. This is followed by an open lab where practical experience can be gathered and exchanged. The ZiMMT provides all the rooms and technical equipment – including 300° video projection, 3D audio system and position tracking.

The thematic focus of the individual events will be announced on our website.

The AV-Labor are usually supervised by two experts, including one FLINTA* person. The ZiMMT particularly invites FLINTA* to participate.

Participation is free of charge after prior registration. Maximum of 12 participants.

CONTACT: av-labor@zimmt.net


!!! We are still looking for more workshop leaders for our workshop series. Click here for the invitation to tender !!!

Termine & Topic

every 2nd Monday 5 to 9 pm · 2025

17. MÄR – Producing with Ableton · 3D Audio

31. MÄR

14. APR – Pharus Tracking System

28. APR

12. MAI – Producing with Ableton · 3D Audio

26. MAI

09. JUN – Pure Data / Max MSP

23. JUN – Pure Data / Max MSP

07. JUL – Producing with Ableton · 3D Audio

21. JUL – Licht und DMX für Veranstaltungen und Kunst

15. SEP – 3D Audio Live Controlling

29. SEP

13. OKT – Producing with Ableton · 3D Audio

27. OKT


Current Month

March 2025

2025mon17mar5:00 pmmon9:00 pmAV-Labor – Producing with Ableton / 3D AudioWorkshopreihe5:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT+01:00) Anmelden

2025mon31mar5:00 pmmon9:00 pmAV-LaborWorkshopreihe5:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT+02:00)

April 2025

2025mon14apr5:00 pmmon9:00 pmAV-LaborWorkshopreihe5:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT+02:00)

With the kind support of:



Artist List

Aii Wijayanti Anik
Aliya Sayfart
Andreas Nordheim
Andreas Ullrich
Andreas Wannerstedt
Anna Schimkat
Antje Meichsner
Artes Mobiles
Birk Schmithüsen
Brigitta Muntendorf
burgund t brandt
Chiara Stuto
Christof Schlager
Claudia Schwarz
Cleo Doelling
Crys Cole
Cucina Povera
Damián Gorandi
Daniel Wilmers
Dasniya Sommer
David Simmons
Denim Szram
Diana Syrse Valdes
Elisa Batti
Enrique Tomás
Ensemble 23
Ensemble Polli Morph
Fabian Raith
Felix Deufel
Felix Leffranks
Frederike Moormann
Grace Boyle + Antoine Bertin
Hanno Leichtmann
Hauptmeier | Recker
Helga Hagen
Henrik Rohde
HMT Leipzig
Ikbal Lybus
Iulja Smeu
Jacopo Cenni
Jakob Gruhl
Jana Irmert
Jasmina Rezig
Jasha Hagen
Jason Langheim
Jeffrey Döring
Jessica Ekomane
Jiyoung Chloe Yoon
Johannes Schütz
John Burnett
Julia Kiehlmann
Julian Charrière
Juliane Kowalke
Jules Reidy
Judith Crasser
Katharina Bévand
Kerstin Ergenzinger
Kilian Ernst
Klara Ravat
Klara Spunk
Kollektiv WERT
Konstantin Fontaine
La Pesch
Leaf Audio
Leon Goltermann
Leonie Strecker
Lina Orlando
Loewe Immerlieb
Lucas Gutierrez
Ludwig Berger
Luise Wonneberger
Louise Rossiter
Manu Mitterhuber
Marcus Schmickler
Marja Ahti
Maria Wildeis
Mariam Gviniashvili
Marie Luise Möller
Martí Guillem
Martin Recker
Maxim M. Chubarov
Maxi Pongratz
Michael Akstaller
Michael v. zur Mühlen
Michaela Pňačeková
Mia Gara
Mortiz Simon Geist
Natasha Barrett
Nani Cooper
Nina Buttendorf
Nikhil Nagaraj
Oliver Steidle
Oscar Friisgaard
Panayiotis Kokoras
Patrícia Pinheiro
Patrick Franke
Patrick Loos
Passion Asanu & Cosmo Schüppel
Paul Hauptmeier
Passepartout Duo
Philipp Rumsch
Portrait XO
Prof. Charles Spence
Prof. Ercan Altinsoy
Prof. Thomas Hummel
Rashad Becker
Rian Treanor
Robert Lippok
Robert Normandeau
Robertina Šebjanič
Robin Minard
Sabine Lippold
Saou TV
Sara Persico
Scriabin Code Ensemble
Sébastien Branche
Simon Schäfer
Sofie Neu
Sophia Amelia Eickhoff
Sphere Radio
Stephanie Felber
Stephan Kloß
Steffi Narr
Studio Aabove&Below
Studio Tutti und Twinkx e.V.
Tasneem Lohani
Theresa Rothe
Thomas Ankersmit
Tomoko Nakasato
Viti-Ko Lilja Schell
Victor Mazon Gardoqui
Valerio Tricoli
Viola Yip
Whispers Red
Wiete Sommer mit Cryptoheroes
Wolfgang Georgsdorf

Werde Fördermitglied

und unterstütze die kulturelle Arbeit des ZiMMT e.V.

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